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 Product Name:Catcher Baits - Tuna Supreme Product ID:TUNASUPRE1 
 Product Price:7.99   35.00    
 Quantity:    (Five kilo)Product Weight:5 kilo's 
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Please select your boilie size here
Select here for Shelf-life or fresh for freezing
  Postage details: 24hr next working day delivery £7.99 up to 25kg. For 25kg plus please ring the shop 

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 Product Name:Catcher Baits - Tuna Supreme Product ID:TUNASUPRE2 
 Product Price:7.99   65.00    
 Quantity:    (Ten kilo)Product Weight:10 kilo's 
More Details
Please select your boilie size here
Select here for Shelf-life or fresh for freezing
  Postage details: 24hr next working day delivery £7.99 up to 25kg. For 25kg plus please ring the shop 

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 Product Name:Catcher Baits - Tuna Supreme Product ID:TUNASUPRE3 
 Product Price:7.99   120.00    
 Quantity:    (Twenty kg)Product Weight:20 kilo's 
More Details
Please select your boilie size here
Select here for Shelf-life or fresh for freezing
  Postage details: 24hr next working day delivery £7.99 up to 25kg. For 25kg plus please ring the shop